Spinnova appoints Chief Financial Officer

Spinnova has appointed Petri Poranen, 45, as CFO in its team as of 1 August, 2018. Petri has been involved in Spinnova’s business for almost a year, as an outsourced CFO through his own company. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Petri held various financial and leadership positions with the Finnish Huurre Group for 15 years.

– Great to have Petri on our team! He has versatile experience from an industrial environment, which will come in handy as our new pilot factory along with investment and financing arrangements is built in Jyväskylä, Spinnova’s CEO Janne Poranen comments.

Petri is happy to focus fully on the fibre innovation business in this exciting phase of Spinnova’s growth.

– Spinnova is an exceptional company. It’s rare to see such concrete development with this kind of speed and consistency, making agile decisions and moving towards a clear goal. The birth of the company and its strong basic fundament have also supported steady growth, he says.

Spinnova now employs 13 people.

Emmi Berlin

Head of Communications