Strong values help us create positive impact – CEO’s reflections on Spinnova values

BLOG | 20.12.2022

Spinnova has always been a value-driven company, now with five freshly honed core values. Read our CEO Kim’s thoughts on how values help us shape successful businesses.

We at Spinnova have a bold mission. By producing the most sustainable textile materials in the world we will transform the raw material base of the entire global textile industry for better.

One of the key differentiators of Spinnova, to me, was the unique company DNA that is reflected in our mission and the strong values driving the company forward every day. I’m a true believer in leading through deeply rooted, shared values – not least because having clear company values is one of the key drivers of innovation and growth.

Spinnova, a forerunner of the green textile revolution, is not only founded on but continues to grow respecting its values. But in order to be actionable, these values must be interpreted and understood in the same way by everyone, while reflecting the reality of everyone’s various work tasks. To be able to live up to our values, they need to be crystal clear to everyone. At Spinnova, here’s how we explain and adhere to our five core values:

Trust to be trusted

We are on a world-changing mission to transform the raw material base of the global textile industry – and we truly believe and trust that it is possible. Trust starts with being transparent, open, and optimistic both as individuals and as a company.

Succeed and fail as a team

We are lucky to work with talented and value-driven people, united by the will to change an entire industry. We share common goals and acknowledge that reaching it requires seamless teamwork. We celebrate success and learn from failures as one team. We cooperate across teams – within our company, and with our partners.

Passion for innovation

We create tomorrow’s solutions today. We test, we learn and we evolve – both personally and professionally. We believe that by finding small improvements every single day, they will eventually accumulate into groundbreaking innovations. Similarly, when facing little failures here and there, we own them, we learn from them.

Love our planet

Our planet has its limits, and the only option we have as humankind is to become truly sustainable. Nature is the source of inspiration for our technology and the reason for Spinnova’s being. We care deeply about our environment and have chosen to never compromise that.

Courage to change the world

Finally, pioneering requires courage. We will definitely face obstacles and suspicions along our way and leaping beyond them calls for many things, most of all, courage and optimism. We are brave in the face of the unknown and never hesitate to try something new and disruptive for the first time. We welcome the change with an open mind and we are not afraid to change direction.

These five values guide us when making our daily decisions, big or small. I feel confident and trust that by living up to these values we can reach our goals on our mission to transform the raw material base of the entire global textile industry.

Kim Poulsen

Kim Poulsen, CEO at Spinnova